Skating 101 - Jumping, An Intro, Some History and The Basics

I'm shortly going to be writing a series of posts describing the six free skating jumps that are used in free skating. These descriptions will be via the medium of absurdly silly "real life" situation comparisons that will hopefully at least give you a laugh even if you don't learn anything about the jump executions. Before that though, we need to talk a bit about the general bits and bobs of jumping on ice. This will no doubt be nothing new for regular skaters, but I write for family and friends as well and they appreciate the explanations where I remember to do them. A bit of history Most of the standard jumps that are used in competitive skating today were invented between 1880 and 1930 (though it's not entirely clear exactly when for some), but why do we jump on the ice at all? Honestly, I thought about researching this to get to the origins of jumping in ice skating, but I strongly suspect that the actual answer boils down to "because we can." ...