HP #5 - The highs & lows of new skates
Usual disclaimer applies: this is an old event I'm recounting. See my first HP post for the full notes on these.
Background: As per my last HP, I've just bought my first pair of skates.
I strutted into the rink with my new skate bag - black with (what I thought was) a tasteful, embroidered logo of a figure skate on the back, see picture - slung over one shoulder. My ego was momentarily put in check as I remembered that the bag's design had someone more than half my age in mind (it had a Velcro strap for goodness' sake), but you have to own these things so my strut returned.
I plonked myself down in the locker room and a heavenly chorus erupted from the bag opening as I drew forth my new skates. One of the ladies in my skating class looked over.
"Ah, you've bought some skates?" she noted with curiosity.
"Oh, I have? I hadn't noticed... Now you mention it... Well would you look at that? They certainly look like new skates... I mean they're nothing really just beginne... NO WAIT, YES I DO HAVE NEW SKATES, PLEASE ADMIRE THEM. I AM NOW A VALID MEMBER OF THE FIGURE SKATING COMMUNITY. THESE SKATES HAVE PRIDE OF PLACE AT MY DINING ROOM TABLE WHERE I FEED THEM A DIET OF BOOT POLISH AND SWEAT."
"They look good," she said as she went back to putting her skates on, my five minutes of fame over. Just kidding. She admired them and we discussed their cost and how the rental skates were working out really well for her so far (she thought she'd managed to find a pair that didn't get picked out often thus allowing her some consistency). She tasked me with checking back with her on how my skating was different, if at all, for owning my own skates.
Now, I'd read all the horror stories of breaking in new skates online. I knew I was in for a world of hell that was unforgiving and painful and I'd just have to ride it out. I got the skates on and set off on the rink; all fine so far. Bit of pressure on my left ankle and my right heel but nothing too bad. I started to wonder what all the people online were complaining about...
Two hours later and I was in agony. I limped round the rink, completely unable to do anything. A lot of my classmates were intrigued by my new skates, but their interest turned to pity as they saw my tortured expression.
"I'm in so much pain!" I wailed to whoever would listen as I hobbled around. I returned to the locker room and peeled off the boots. The left side of my ankle was bleeding gently and I'd rubbed a blister onto the heel of my right foot. The lining of the boot was already turning a dark brown in places where the blood had soaked in and dried... Nice. My feet ached so I decided to head home and give them a rest. I invested in some blister packs and plasters on the way home.
I hoped this pain was worth it!
Background: As per my last HP, I've just bought my first pair of skates.

I plonked myself down in the locker room and a heavenly chorus erupted from the bag opening as I drew forth my new skates. One of the ladies in my skating class looked over.
"Ah, you've bought some skates?" she noted with curiosity.
"Oh, I have? I hadn't noticed... Now you mention it... Well would you look at that? They certainly look like new skates... I mean they're nothing really just beginne... NO WAIT, YES I DO HAVE NEW SKATES, PLEASE ADMIRE THEM. I AM NOW A VALID MEMBER OF THE FIGURE SKATING COMMUNITY. THESE SKATES HAVE PRIDE OF PLACE AT MY DINING ROOM TABLE WHERE I FEED THEM A DIET OF BOOT POLISH AND SWEAT."
"They look good," she said as she went back to putting her skates on, my five minutes of fame over. Just kidding. She admired them and we discussed their cost and how the rental skates were working out really well for her so far (she thought she'd managed to find a pair that didn't get picked out often thus allowing her some consistency). She tasked me with checking back with her on how my skating was different, if at all, for owning my own skates.
Now, I'd read all the horror stories of breaking in new skates online. I knew I was in for a world of hell that was unforgiving and painful and I'd just have to ride it out. I got the skates on and set off on the rink; all fine so far. Bit of pressure on my left ankle and my right heel but nothing too bad. I started to wonder what all the people online were complaining about...
Two hours later and I was in agony. I limped round the rink, completely unable to do anything. A lot of my classmates were intrigued by my new skates, but their interest turned to pity as they saw my tortured expression.
"I'm in so much pain!" I wailed to whoever would listen as I hobbled around. I returned to the locker room and peeled off the boots. The left side of my ankle was bleeding gently and I'd rubbed a blister onto the heel of my right foot. The lining of the boot was already turning a dark brown in places where the blood had soaked in and dried... Nice. My feet ached so I decided to head home and give them a rest. I invested in some blister packs and plasters on the way home.
I hoped this pain was worth it!
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