The Tammasaurus: Part Time Skating Coach, Part Time Tavern Wench?

"You've dropped some money there," the Tammasaurus noted as my body crashed into the ice, another spectacular fall during a loop attempt gone wrong. I knew, rather than saw, that she was referring to the two pound coins I'd had in my pocket that I'd heard clatter to the floor as I fell. I have some trousers with zip pockets to stop stuff like this happening, however I hadn't had those to hand when I'd dressed that morning.

"Well, strictly speaking," I began as I picked myself off the ice and started to look around for the coins, "they're yours. At least, they're part of what I was going to pay you with this week."

The Tammasaurus bent down to collect her money off the ice. People talk about paying for ice time, but here the ice was paying for her time. I had intended to be chivalrous and collect the money from the ice for her, but she was already at it so there seemed no point in stopping her. I retrieved the rest of her payment from my pocket and handed it over for completion.

"You know, I don't think I've ever had to pick my payment up off the ice before," she remarked with a wry smile, "you're really making me work for it this week!"

We laughed it off, but, the following week, I resolved to give her the money straight off the bat, "to avoid last week's mishap," I explained.

"Oh yes, I remember," she replied, "when you threw the money on the ice and said "there's your money, serving wench, go pick it up!""

What sass! I had to stop my eyebrows from shooting up! +3 GOE to the Tammasaurus for that element, I loved it!

I decided to spice this post up by Google Image searching "wench" and seeing what came back, it's mostly costume options for those fearful of what's about to appear below...

Image not intended to be any form of reflection, insinuation or likeness of the Tammasaurus' real appearance!
However, I did attempt to pick the strongest, most independent seeming wench from the available selection.

Wench, indeed! A basic Google definition search suggested woman or prostitute, but I've always thought of the term more like a tavern wench from the medieval days. Whatever the description, I would like to stress that, as far as I'm aware, other than being a woman, there are no strong correlations between the Tammasaurus and either prostitution or tavern wenching!


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